SANDWICH BOARDS Are you zealous for the Great Commission?
Get yourself a sandwich board! You will reach more people and they help start conversations! -
Kerrigan's Videos Check out Kerrigan's videos on YouTube.
You'll find lots of open air preaching videos, videos dealing with police/authorities, sermons and other edifying videos. -
Witnessing Videos Are you an Evangelism CHICKEN?!
You need to share the Gospel! You need to be equipped. Watching others witness is always helpful for beginners or CHICKENS! -
GOSPEL PREACHING SIGNS Do you want to reach lots of people?
Get yourself a gospel preaching sign or two and hold it up in a high traffic area! You will many with the truth! -
Our Refuting Calvinism Videos having problems with the doctrines of Calvinism?
Our videos may be of some help to you. We look at some of the popular proof-texts of Calvinism and interpret them properly. -
Revelation Teaching Series The return of Jesus gets closer every day! Follow along with RFF
as Kerrigan teaches through Revelation, verse by verse. Possibly the most important book to understand, in the coming days. -
Gospel According to Matthew Need some MEAT from the Word?
Follow along with Refining Fire Fellowship, as Kerrigan teaches through the Gospel According to Matthew, verse by verse. -
Evangelism Seminar Does your local Church need training or motivation in evangelism?
We can do a 1, 2, or 3 day seminar that will impact your Church or Christian group! We must take the Great Commission seriously!
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Open Air Preaching at Kennesaw State University
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PinPoint Evangelism
PinPoint Evangelism is an evangelistic ministry that God has granted to Kerrigan Skelly and his family. They consider it an honor and a privilege to serve the Body of Christ in such a way and to be blessed by God with this calling. PinPoint Evangelism has two main purposes given to it by God:
1) Reaching Out To The Lost- PinPoint Evangelism takes the Great Commission as a command, not as a suggestion. We regularly take groups of people out into the "highways and by-ways" to reach out to the lost. We take the Gospel where it...
PinPoint Resources
- Buy Gospel Tracts
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- Our Evangelism Seminar
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- Refining Fire Fellowship
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- Sound Doctrine Videos
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- Non-Christians Go Here
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- Sermons FOR Open Air Preachers
- Witnessing 1-2-1 Audios
- Witnessing 1-2-1 Videos
- Eschatology: End Times
- Apologetics
- Articles
- The Bible
- Atheists GO HERE
- THE LIE: Macro Evolution
- Other Religions
- False Teachers EXPOSED
- Kerrigan's YouTube Page
- Refuting Calvinism YouTube Page
- Ministry Photos
- Website Links