Will You Get What You Deserve For Your Sins?
Are you seeking to know God? Maybe you need God, maybe you don't. Take a watch of the video below in order to find out. Maybe we talked to you on the streets and we handed you a Gospel Tract or one of our business cards. Maybe you heard us preaching in the open air on a college campus or on the streets. Where do you think you will spend eternity? Are you 100% sure that you are right with God and have forgiveness of sins? If you are not sure, please watch the video below to find out. If you have sincere questions about the Christian Faith or how to become a Christian, please go to our Contact Page to ask us some questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Please be patient in waiting for a response. We do stay pretty busy, but your email is still very important to us. NO QUESTION is a dumb question except the question that is not asked because it will never get answered. Please feel free to ask any question you like. If you have doubts about the Bible being reliable or being the Word of God, please see our Bible page. If you are an Atheist and are daring enough to check to see how much of an Atheist you are, then go to our Atheist's Page and check out the resources there. If you have questions concerning other religions, then go to our Other Religions Website. You also might want to check our Apologetics Page to see if that helps to answer your questions. If you can't find the answers to your questions, again, please contact us. God Bless...
So how do you think that you stand with God after watching the video? Do you see that you are a sinner in need of a Savior? Please consider your eternity and where you will spend it today! Today is the day of Salvation! Repent of your sins and turn in Faith to Jesus Christ today! You may not have tomorrow! If you have decided to repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ, then please go to our New Christians page. If you think you are a Christian, but aren't sure, then please read an article titled, Check Yourself. Also, click on the banner below to read articles, listen to audios and watch videos to make sure you are a Christian. If you have sincere questions about why Christianity is the one, true religion or about evolution, then click on the corresponding link below. Have you been deceived by a False Teacher? Find out by clicking on the corresponding link below as well. God Bless!
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