The PinPoint Evangelism Mission Statement

PinPoint Evangelism is an evangelistic ministry that God originally granted to Kerrigan Skelly and his family. Praise Jesus! We all consider it an honor and a privilege to serve the Body of Christ in such a way. This calling has been a blessing from God toward us. We hope our ministry blesses Him and you as well.  PinPoint Evangelism has two main purposes give to it by God:

Reaching Out To The Lost- PinPoint Evangelism takes the Great Commission as a command, not as a suggestion.  We regularly take groups of people out into the "highways and by-ways" to reach out to the lost.  We take the Gospel where it belongs: outside the four walls of the Church meeting place.  We go open air preaching, witnessing 1-2-1 and handing out Gospel Tracts on college campuses, the streets, bar and club districts, festivals, parades and any other public place where there are breathing people who need to hear the Gospel that saves from sin and hell!  We are ALL called to take part in the work of Evangelism!

Training The Found- According to Ephesians 4:12, the work of an Evangelist is to equip the Body of Christ for works of service.  Our great desire is to see men, women, youth and children of God rise up and take the Great Commission seriously.  Reaching out to the Lost isn't a gift, it is simply love in action.  Love for the lost and love for the Lord who gave the command to reach them.  One way that we "Train the Found" is by doing Evangelism Seminars.  We can do a 1, 2, or 3 day training seminar with your Church or local body of believers.  Then we take your people to the streets to put the Biblical principles they learned into practice.  We are also available to just speak to your Church on Sunday morning/evenings.  Another way that we help to equip the found is by creating unique and useful evangelism resources to help people open air preach and witness 1-2-1.  We have Quality, Creative Gospel Tracts that have a Sound, Biblical message for sale.  Just click on the link below.  Using Gospel Tracts is a GREAT way to start evangelizing!