
Welcome to the atheist page of PinPoint Evangelism! We welcome all of our friendly neighborhood atheists! We hope to engage you in a reasonable dialogue about your faith in "science." May God Bless you as He reveals Himself to you in a real way. First, let's define what an atheist is: An Atheist- One who says that a God does not exist. If you are an open-minded Atheist, that is one who is willing to consider the facts and the evidence, to see if your belief that there is no God is true and reasonable, then please consider reading these articles, listening to these audios and watching these videos discussing the fact that a Creator of the Universe DOES EXIST:


Top Questions- In this five part audio, you will get to here Christian apologists Ravi Zacharias and Dr. William Lane Craig. They are at the University of Iowa in 1997. The setting is a question and answer session where the students ask the most asked questions about the Christian faith. Just click on the one you want to listen to or right click and save to listen later from your own computer.

1- What is the meaning of life?

2- How can we know that God exists? Why is there evil and suffering in the world?

3- How can there be a good God in light of evil and suffering in the world (cont.)? What about Jesus’ Resurrection?

4- Did Jesus resurrection from the dead really happen (cont.)? How can all other religions be wrong?

5- What about all the other religions (cont.)? What about all the violence committed in the name of Jesus? Why can’t we have morals without God?

Is Atheism Dead?- In this four part audio, you will get to here Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias talk about Atheism. Just click on the one you want to listen to or right click and save to listen to it later.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Why I'm NOT an Atheist- In this three part audio, you will get to here Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias talk about why he is not an Atheist. If you ask me, I just don't have enough faith to be an Atheist! Just click on the one you want to listen to or right click and save to listen to it later.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

A List of Creation Scientist- Is Atheism Scientific or is it a Faith? Is Christianity just a Faith or is it Scientific? Check out this list of scientists, past and present, who believe(d) in a Creator God.


Does God Exist?- Listen to the "Great Debate" Between Christian Theist Greg Bahnsen and Former Atheist (he's dead) Gordon Stein

Does God Exist?- Listen to the "Great Debate" Between Christian Theist Kerrigan Skelly and Atheist Erik Dickerson

Is the Foundation for Morality Natural or Supernatural?- Watch this Debate Between Christian Theist Dr. William Lane Craig and Atheist Sam Harris

Has Science Buried God?- Watch this Debate Between Christian Theist John Lennox and Atheist Michael Shermer

Does God Exist?- Watch this Debate Between Christian Theist Dr. William Lane Craig and Atheist Christopher Hitchens


David Quinn vs. Richard Dawkins on the Radio

Oxford Festival- Alister McGrath vs. Richard Dawkins Part 1

Oxford Festival- Alister McGrath vs. Richard Dawkins Part 2

John Lennox vs. Richard Dawkins Part 1

John Lennox vs. Richard Dawkins Part 2

John Lennox vs. Richard Dawkins Part 3

Kerrigan Skelly vs. Erik Dickerson